17 August 2010

Peace Corps Nomination!

After losing my job of 12 years with Procter & Gamble I figured I would find another job in the security industry and just continue on with my life. I soon found out that jobs were seriously not to be found. It really surprised me...I actually thought I wouldn't be unemployed for more than a few months, at the most. After 8 months I only had two interviews! I found that my "generalist" security experience wasn't selling in the security "specialist" world. Very frustrating!!!

From the moment I lost my job I was telling people, jokingly, that I was going to "run away and join the Peace Corps!" I had always thought about doing the PC, sometime, one day, maybe after retirement. The longer my unemployment carried on, the more I started thinking about it seriously. I mean, why not? I am single, no children, little debt (other than a mortgage) - maybe I should think about this a little more seriously. So I did. I started snooping around on the Internet, bought some books, attended a PC webinar and then an open house and decided that I might as well put in my application. What could it hurt?

I was called to Chicago on August 2 for my official interview. I had investigated what the interview was going to be about (Wikipedia has an awesome PC section!) so I felt completely prepared. Lots of, "tell me about a time" questions. It lasted about 1 1/2 hours and that was that. My recruiter was great and the interview went well - we talked about a lot of concerns...safety/security, language, living environment, etc. (Bonus - I also got to spend the weekend in Chicago with my wonderful cousin and her husband.)

So, after 2 weeks of waiting on pins and needles (and also being sick as a dog!) I got the call! I have been nominated for the Peace Corps!!! The nomination is for Primary Teaching/Training in Sub-Saharan Africa with a potential departure date of February 2011. I was told to take this nomination with a bit of a grain of salt, as the time can change prior to departure. The nomination is done, but now the work begins.

Now I have to make it through the Medical/Legal clearance. From what I've read and heard, the medical clearance is quite the ordeal! I have to have a comprehensive physical exam, dental exam and eye exam. A simple cavity can delay your departure, so it's pretty important to be healthy! I have appointments set up and hope to get this done quickly as I don't want to hold up anything.

My brother, Stephen, and I were talking about all the other things that need to be done prior to departure and it's mind boggling. Between legal documents, condo renting, car selling, dog sending (Zoli is headed to Stephen's in October), things I need to purchase (which will have to wait until I know where exactly I'm going) and a million other issues, I will be BUSY!!!! List have begun and my mind is swirling!

I'm excited about this opportunity and truly feel that losing my job at P&G has opened up opportunities that I never imagined. I am also a little scared about the whole ordeal. I mean...I've never even gone camping and I'm headed into the great unknown! Ugh!! I do know, however, that I can do whatever I put my mind to, so there's that at least! I do have some worries though.

I'm worried about leaving my Mom...not that she needs worrying about, but I'm so used to talking to her every few days and seeing her on a regular basis, especially since Dad died. I worry about how she will be when I'm gone. I know my sisters will step up and do everything I have always done, but when you're not the one doing it you do worry! I worry about how much I will miss everyone...I have not often been away from my family very often (other than my AFS experience when I was 16!). I'm used to seeing my sister Meg just about every week or so and Julie as much as possible (she works a lot!). We talk on the phone regularly and I will miss that. I worry about not seeing my nieces and nephews for over 2 years. I worry about missing my friends. Ellen and I have been friends for 40 years and the last 20 we've either lived together or within about 10 miles of each other...it will be very hard to leave her and her daughter, Madison. Not to mention all my other awesome friends in Cincinnati (you know who you are!!).

So... I'm getting waaaaaaay ahead of myself here - needless to say, there are concerns about leaving for 27 months. The pros of this opportunity, however, very much outweigh the cons.

I will post updates here throughout the process, to keep everyone up to speed with things. When I finally go (someplace in Africa!) I will continue to post updates on my adventures.

Thank you to all those who have shown me such support throughout my unemployment and now through this wonderful opportunity with the Peace Corps!!!

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